Information on community planning, resliancy and sustainable economic development activities

27 06, 2018

BYOB: Farmer’s Market


Molly brown: Why doesn’t the Market require compostable bags?  Well, it turns out that when compostable bags get mixed in with plastic bags in recycling, they literally gum up the works.  And it’s very hard to separate compostable bags from plastic bags, because they look pretty much the same. 

BYOB: Farmer’s Market2018-08-23T11:56:45-07:00
16 05, 2018

Natural Capital Key to Economic Success


Pamela Neronha: People need jobs and opportunities that are intentional, self-fulfilling, and evolutionary. Growth is good if it is compatible with natural capital, and indeed necessary for community sustainability.

Natural Capital Key to Economic Success2018-08-10T18:30:56-07:00
9 05, 2018

Communities Can Promote Long and Healthy Lives


Molly Brown: Five principles that communities (and individuals) can adopt to create cultures of longevity and justice, which help everyone to live longer and healthier lives.

Communities Can Promote Long and Healthy Lives2018-08-10T17:50:48-07:00
28 03, 2018

Mental Models and Community Collaboration


Pamela Neronha: One of the challenges any community has is facing the fact that individuals in a community often lack a shared vision and goals; that we have mental models that prevent us from dreaming that vision into reality. We put 90% of our efforts into implementation, frequently promoting action of a policy that is not a shared vision.

Mental Models and Community Collaboration2018-08-10T18:11:50-07:00
21 03, 2018

Living and Thriving in the Age of Partnership


Arielle Halpern: Rivers meander through towns, parks, and states, careless of who administers the land on which they run. Our forests and watersheds predate the advent of jurisdictional boundaries. So, why should we approach land management in a way that acknowledges the boundaries but not the landscape?

Living and Thriving in the Age of Partnership2018-08-16T18:25:05-07:00
5 01, 2018

From Timber Towns to Thriving Forest Communities in 2018


Rising to the challenges of climate change, our area is in a unique position to prosper in 2018 and beyond.

From Timber Towns to Thriving Forest Communities in 20182018-07-23T14:40:05-07:00
18 03, 2015

Contributing to a Great Turning


by Molly Brown From Mt. Shasta Herald, February 13, 2015 Ours is a world of peril and transformation. We face the unprecedented challenges of global climate disruption, gross economic inequality, over-population, international financial breakdown, potential epidemics, rising seas, droughts and famine, power-outages, and spiraling fuel costs – with no place to move to, no [...]

Contributing to a Great Turning2018-07-23T14:45:36-07:00
28 02, 2015

Let’s Become Change-Friendly


We respond to recent newspaper opinion - Crystal Geyser operations pose unknown risks to local wells without putting a dent in our economic challenges. Let's seek real changes that create good jobs!

Let’s Become Change-Friendly2018-07-23T14:47:30-07:00
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