Summary of
2015 Treasurer’s Report

February 6, 2016
Available on Request

Mount Shasta Ecology continued to move forward in 2015 through many successes and challenges. Operations resulted in a loss of $10k, compared with a gain of $7k in 2014 (which would have been a slight loss except for a grant receipt timing difference).

Our financial situation can still be described as “scraping by” which depending on your perspective may actually be a great achievement! We ended the year with sound financial management and dedicated staff and board members. Development of a solid 2016 strategic plan (including financial and operational components) is currently under way (note: a summary of our completed plan is now linked here).

Despite the challenges we can now better articulate our mission, programs and need for funds. We believe this should result in increased support from both grantors and individual donors. We will continue to take a longer view of financial and operational activities, building on the 2015 fundraising success of special events, the film festival and year-end giving programs, along with an increased focus on support from out of the area in 2016.


Total income for 2015 was flat at $97k – just $709 less than last year.

  2015 2014 $ Change % Change
Contributions 30,644 29,010 1,635 5.6%
Grants 45,425 50,500 -5,075 -10.1%
Fiscal Sponsorships 6,268 12,953 -6,684 -51.6%
Special Events 14,223 4,807 9.415 195.8%
TOTAL 96,560 97,269 -709 -0.7%

The reduction in fiscal sponsorship revenue resulted from W.A.T.E.R. leaving to form a separate nonprofit organization. Special events income increased with expanded Earth Day and Wild & Scenic Film Festival programming. Contributions and membership income increased slightly, as the year-end Giving Tuesday push generated $9700 in donations and matching funds. While grant funding was below last year’s levels, that was entirely due to a timing difference: 2014 amounts included two years of Patagonia grant funds.


Total expense for 2015 increased to $107k, 18.4% more than the previous year.

  2015 2014 $ Change % Change
Grants to Other Orgs 10,799 250 10,549 4,219.6%
Salaries 29,729 17,475 12,253 70.1%
Contract Services 33,044 49,735 -16,691 -33.6%
Non-Personnel 3,602 5,156 -1,554 -30.1%
Facility & Equipment 7,623 10,301 -2,678 -26.0%
Travel & Meetings 3,063 1,221 1,843 151.0%
Special Events 15,473 1,388 14,085 1,014.7%
Other/Taxes 3,593 4,785 -1,192 -24.9%
TOTAL 106,926 90,311 16,614 18.4%

Grants to other organizations increased as we transferred the W.A.T.E.R. group’s funds to their new nonprofit after our fiscal sponsorship agreement ended. We also increased our special event activity around Earth Day and for other events (note that an additional $3500 grant in support of the film festival is categorized in grants rather than special event income, so with that, these events did make a small profit).

Salaries and contract services expense declined overall after we eliminated one position; we brought two formerly contract staff on as employees; two of our staff worked fewer hours than budgeted in the last part of the year.

Non-Personnel expense included decreases in supplies, printing and other items from the previous year, offset by an increase in telephone/internet expense in our new office. While facility rent increased slightly with the move, utilities are now included. Last year’s facility and equipment cost additionally included moving expense.

Travel and meeting expense increased slightly to attend government hearings and other conferences. Other expenses declined as we let go our credit card merchant account and found more affordable web hosting.

Fund Balances

Cash on hand decreased from $25k to $15k during the year, with the difference used to cover the net operating loss. We closed out fiscal sponsorship funds for W.A.T.E.R. and two other small projects, and simplified our program accounting; we continue to fiscally sponsor the Community Garden and took on a sponsorship of the “Way of the Mountain” natural history book project.