Opposing Destructive Forest Service NEPA Rule Changes

Proposals Would Hide Environmental Damage from the Public

The Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center has joined with 177 organizations to strongly oppose proposed Trump administration National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) rule changes that would allow sweeping destruction of national forests, while keeping the public in the dark and unable to comment on harmful logging, roadbuilding, oil and gas drilling, mining and power line projects, among many others.

The Western Environmental Law Center’s press release goes into further detail about the proposed changes and the devastation they would cause. These wide-ranging rule changes are massive steps backwards, attacking bedrock principles affecting not only environmental protection, but of the rule of law and democracy itself.

Their 197-page comment letter is embedded below. Our Senior Conservation Consultant, Michelle Berditschevsky noted the letter is “197 pages, really thorough…it’s a full education in what’s important about NEPA, about public participation in Forest Service decisions, and why the proposed Trump USFS Rule is so counter to the intent of the law”. Her additional comments on our behalf are also embedded.

This highlights the need for all of us to stay informed and active – please support our efforts to protect public lands around Mount Shasta!

Our NEPA Rule Comments Western Law Center NEPA Rule Comments