Volunteer Opportunities

Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center needs your help! We’re fun people
with serious goals, loving life in our amazing mountain environment and
dedicated to preserving it for all to enjoy.

Check out the many opportunities and join a community of people inspired to
honor, protect, and restore our world-renowned mountain environment.

There’s a place for everyone who wants to volunteer!

Key programs for volunteers include:

Trailhead Hosting | Wilderness Solitude Monitoring | Special Events &
tabling | Trail Restoration & Maintenance | Fuels Reduction &
Fire Resiliency | Community Gardening

You can sign up for any Active Volunteer Program by selecting it from the list below. If you’re generally interested in volunteering but not quite ready to sign up for a specific program or have your idea for a volunteer project, please fill out our general Volunteer Interest Form. Thanks much!

If no Active Volunteer Opportunities are listed at this time, please sign up to receive our Newsletter to keep current with our activities. Programs typically run from April through November each year.

See you soon!

Active Volunteer Programs

Liability Waivers Note
Please Click Here to read important information about our Liability Waivers before proceeding to Sign Up for an Opportunity below. You will be asked to acknowledge your acceptance during the Sign Up process.