28 03, 2018

Mental Models and Community Collaboration


Pamela Neronha: One of the challenges any community has is facing the fact that individuals in a community often lack a shared vision and goals; that we have mental models that prevent us from dreaming that vision into reality. We put 90% of our efforts into implementation, frequently promoting action of a policy that is not a shared vision.

Mental Models and Community Collaboration2018-08-10T18:11:50-07:00
21 03, 2018

Living and Thriving in the Age of Partnership


Arielle Halpern: Rivers meander through towns, parks, and states, careless of who administers the land on which they run. Our forests and watersheds predate the advent of jurisdictional boundaries. So, why should we approach land management in a way that acknowledges the boundaries but not the landscape?

Living and Thriving in the Age of Partnership2018-08-16T18:25:05-07:00
6 03, 2018

CONTEST: Design Ecology Center’s 30th Anniversary T-Shirt


Calling all students of graphic design, artists, designers, and T-shirt lovers to create a one-of-a-kind T-shirt design for the purposes of our 30th anniversary!

CONTEST: Design Ecology Center’s 30th Anniversary T-Shirt2018-04-24T16:35:12-07:00
3 03, 2018

Ecology Center comments on USFS proposal to revise procedures for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance


Our overall position is that the USFS procedures must remain true to NEPA’s core values of environmental protection and meaningful public participation. Read the full letter here. the environment.

Ecology Center comments on USFS proposal to revise procedures for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance2018-07-23T14:32:29-07:00
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